
Hey Todd,You know I have definitely been satisfied with the way my website is being set up. It definitely gives me an edge over those who don’t have a website.  I love the way you take into consideration the ideas I have and how we are able discuss them and figure out if it would be a good fit or not. Not too many people can say they have their own personal webmaster, with affordable services, but I can. Every time there is an issue, you handle it, Todd, and that’s the type of service I need and desire.
I’ve been with you for 3 years and haven’t had 1 complaint.  Thanks Todd, you are doing Awesome.  You have definitely helped me expedite my business. Even though I’m just getting started, it wouldn’t be much without this website. Oh, and I have made some money from that property feature that you have and I plan on making much more!
Later Todd,
Jerone F.

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